GENERAL INFORMATION G01. Dataset version 1.0.0 G02. Name of the dataset: EMO-5 (European Meteorological Observations with a spatial resolution of 5 km) G03. Description of the dataset: EMO-5 is a gridded European high-resolution, (sub-)daily, multi-variable meteorological data set built on historical and real-time observations obtained by integrating data from 18,964 ground weather stations, four high-resolution regional observational grids (i.e. CombiPrecip, ZAMG - INCA, EURO4M-APGD and CarpatClim) as well as one global reanalysis (ERA-Interim/Land). EMO-5 includes 6 variables at daily resolution: total precipitation, temperatures (minimum and maximum), wind speed, solar radiation and water vapour pressure. In addition, EMO-5 also includes 6-hourly precipitation and mean temperature. The raw observations from the ground weather stations underwent a set of quality controls, before the SPHEREMAP interpolation method was applied to estimate the variable value for each 5x5 km grid cell and the Yamamoto method was used to estimate its affiliated uncertainty. G04. Creator of data set: Copernicus Emergency Management Service G05. DOI of dataset: G06. PID of dataset: G07. Keywords (author defined): meteorological observations, pan-European, multi-variable, precipitation, temperature, wind speed, solar radiation, water vapour pressure, meteorological grids, in situ G08. Language(s) used in the dataset: English G09. Last update of the README file: creation 10.05.2022 DATA DESCRIPTION D01. Horizontal coverage: Europe (EFAS-Meteo domain) D02. Horizontal resolution: 5 km D03. Spatial gaps: Only land areas are covered by this data set D04. Temporal coverage: 1990-01-01 till 2019-12-31 D05. Temporal resolution: daily and 6-hourly D06. Temporal gaps: No gaps D07. Number of available variables: 7 D08. Variables available at daily resolution: total precipitation, temperatures (minimum and maximum), wind speed, solar radiation and water vapour pressure D09. Variables available at 6-hourly resolution: total precipitation and mean temperatures D10. Units: precipitation [mm], temperature [°C], vapor pressure [hPa], solar radiation [J/m²], wind speed [m/s] D11. Update frequency: not foreseen for version 1 D12. Projection: Catchment and lambert_azimuthal_equal_area (5km) D13. Data type: 5km grid D14. Available version(s): version 1 D15. Version control: The version control of EMO-5 will be aligned with the EFAS version control. Documentation on the EFAS version control can be accessed publically on the CEMS wiki: PROJECT INFORMATION P01. Project information: EMO-5 is used by EFAS, the European Flood Awareness System, part of the Copernicus Emergency Management Service. P02. Project website: P03. Project funder: European Commission FILE OVERVIEW F01. Number of files described by the README-file: 6 files with 10957 daily grids (one file for each of the 6 daily variables), 2 files with 43828 6-hourly grids (one file for each of the two 6-hourly variables) F02. List with names of files:,,,,,,, F03. Naming conventions for file names: [name of dataset]-[variable]_[start year]_[end year].nc; e.g. F04. Explanation of abbreviations: EMO-5 = European Meteorological Observations, 5 denotes the spatial resolution of 5 km; pr = precipitation; ws = wind speed; tx = maximum temperature; tn = minimum temperature; rg = solar radiation, pd = water vapour pressure; pr6 = 6-hourly precipitation; ta6 = 6-hourly mean temperature F05. File formats: netCDF (CF-1.6 compliant) F06. Software necessary to open the file: any software that opens netCDF, e.g. ArcGIS, QGIS, Panoply, Python, R, etc. F07. On the static-maps folder: file containing the DEM map used for the height correction on the temperature and water vapour pressure grids. STORAGE INFORMATION S01. Where are the data stored?: JRC Data Store, METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION M01. Date (beginning-end) and place of data collection: continuous since 2009 M02. Aim for which the data were collected: To provide the European Flood Awareness System with up-to-date information on the initial meteorological conditions used to initialise the hydrological model used for forecasting M03. Data collecting method: described under the following link: M04. Information about data processing methods: see reference publication R01 M05. Quality assurance procedures: see reference publication R01 M06. Information about limitations of the dataset, information that ensures correct interpretation of the dataset: see reference publication R01 DATA ACCESS AND SHARING A01. Recommended citation for the dataset: Thiemig, Vera; Ramos Gomes, Gonçalo Nuno; Skøien, Jon Olav; Ziese, Markus; Rauthe-Schöch, Armin; Rustemeier, Elke; Rehfeldt, Kira; Walawender, Jakub; Kolbe, Christine; Pichon, Damien; Schweim, Christoph; Salamon, Peter (2020): EMO-5: A high-resolution multi-variable gridded meteorological data set for Europe (1990-2019). European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC) [Dataset] doi: 10.2905/0BD84BE4-CEC8-4180-97A6-8B3ADAAC4D26 PID: A02. License information, restrictions on use: no restrictions, free and open Copernicus product A03. Copyright statement: A04. User support service: contact person outlined in the JRC Data Catalogue OR contact the general Copernicus user support service ( RELATIONSHIPS R01. Reference publication of this dataset: EMO-5: A high-resolution multi-variable gridded meteorological data set for Europe (1990-2019) Thiemig, Vera; Ramos Gomes, Gonçalo Nuno; Skøien, Jon Olav; Ziese, Markus; Rauthe-Schöch, Armin; Rustemeier, Elke; Rehfeldt, Kira; Walawender, Jakub; Kolbe, Christine; Pichon, Damien; Schweim, Christoph; Salamon, Peter R02. This dataset incorporates the following other datasets: national in situ data, CombiPrecip, ZAMG - INCA, EURO4M-APGD, CarpatClim and ERA-Interim/Land